Monday, January 22, 2007

Hillary For President

Six years ago, if you'd have asked me if I would vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton for President, I might have suspected you of having undiagnosed brain damage.
Well, in the last six years Hillary has done a great job representing the State Of New York in the Senate.
Yeah, she dropped the ball when she voted in favor of the Iraq war but she has since atoned for that.
But Hillary is dead right when it comes to domestic policy: housing, health care for the middle-class and poor alike, not to mention a variety of other domestic social issues.
Furthermore, she will probably inherit Bush's Iraq quagmire and I believe she can get us out of that mess ASAP.
I really believe Hillary would make an excellent President, especially since she will presumably have Bill around to give her advice from his experience.
I just hope she picks the right running mate (not Obama - too inexperienced and polarizing) but some centrist Democrat who has a respectable record in Congress or as a Governor.