Friday, January 19, 2007


Am I the only one who thinks this show stayed at the party about 9 years too long?
The descent began when Henry Blake left, followed by Trapper who was replaced by that stool sample with a moustache, BJ Hunnicutt.
Big jump when Frank Burns left and was replaced by the insufferable Major Winchester.
The "Hot Lips" became "Margaret" and got that Regular Army stick out of her shapely butt.
Of course, that little twerp Radar was always annoying. Gee, I just wanted to bitch slap him every time he was on-screen.
Huge jump when Klinger stopped wearing dresses and became GI Joe.
The worst thing that happened to the show was Alan "I'm A Pompous Douchebag" Alda taking over as writer/producer/director. The show ceased to become humorous and became Alda's personal soapbox for his anti-war diatribes. Not that I wasn't against the war but I turn on a so-called "comedy" to be entertained, not lectured. Not to mention the fact that the Viet Nam war was already over for about 6 years by the time M*A*S*H ended its run.
Oh yeah, that father Mulcahey was an annoying jerk too!