Friday, December 29, 2006

First Muslim elected to Congress

First Muslim elected to Congress
Minn. Democrat converted in college, was once with Nation of Islam
MINNEAPOLIS - Voters elected a black Democrat as the first Muslim in Congress on Tuesday after a race in which he advocated quick U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and made little mention of his faith.
Keith Ellison, a 43-year-old defense attorney and state representative, was projected to defeat two rivals to succeed retiring Democrat Martin Sabo in a seat that has been held by Democrats since 1963.
Ellison, who converted to Islam as a 19-year-old college student in his native Detroit, won with the help of Muslims among a coalition of liberal, anti-war voters. "We were able to bring in Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists," he said. "We brought in everybody."

Am I the only person in this country who is troubled by this?
Muslim? Nation Of Islam?
Why don't we just make Osama bin Laden president?
Turn out the lights, the terrorists have won.
I'm glad I'm old and won't have to see this country turned into a Taliban-like theocratic state with psychotic mullahs governing every aspect of our lives.
I just hope that sanity prevails and this terrorist is censured by his fellow Representatives and not allowed to vote or serve on any committees.
What the fuck is the matter with those shitkickers in Minnesota anyway?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Burn In Hell Gerald Ford!

So that miserable son-of-a-bitch Gerald Ford finally died.
It's about time!
I've never forgiven him for pardoning that other miserable son-of-a-bitch Nixon.
Speaking of Nixon - has any other politician ever had "son-of-a-bitch" tagged on to his name as much as that old bastard?
Anyway, let's not forget the whole disgraceful Warren Commision cover-up!
They say they are expecting record crowds to turn out to his funeral in DC - well, give the people what they want...
I hope eternity lasts a good long time and that old cocksucker enjoys burning next to his buddy Nixon with Satan poking them both in the ass with his pitchfork while that old cunthound JFK stands by laughing!
Today (1/2/07) there is a "National Day Of Mourning" for that stinking piece of shit!
Jesus H. Christ - I don't get any mail just because that miserable son-of-a-bitch bastard cocksucking old douchebag died!
What the fuck is the matter with this country?
Not to mention the billions it's gonna cost to give all the over-paid under-worked Federal employees a goddam PAID FUCKING HOLIDAY! Jesus H. Fuck - EVERYDAY is a fucking holiday for them, the lazy bastards!
Why couldn't yesterday have been the "Day Of Mourning"?
That would have made too much fucking sense for the mental midget shitheads who run the federal government!
Why a day of mourning anyway? Everybody I know is GLAD that old fart is roasting in hell!
It's a plot, I tell ya! A plot! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh